Configuring Pirl Masternode Using Nautilus Wallet – Mercurious – Medium

Once you have the funds in place, you send a small 1 PIRL transaction to your Poseidon wallet (your account will come with a wallet) to prove that you control the Nautilus wallet with the 20K PIRL capital. You use the txid from the 1PIRL transaction as part of the masternode setup, along with your Nautilus address. When the masternode is added, you go back to your Nautilus wallet and add the masternode contract address in the “contracts” tab. With the masternode contract address in place, you execute the node registration function. At this point you can either manually install the PIRL masternode binary and configure the masternode and firewall on your dedicated server or VPS or you can utilize the Poseidon 1 click functionality which will automatically setup your server and keep it updated.

This guide uses the one-click-masternode setup feature. This is an optional feature for those that wish to have a more hands-off experience with the setup of their masternode. This Poseidon feature automatically configures your CentOS7 linux server to be a Pirl Masternode. Updates will be applied automatically. All you have to do is monitor your server to ensure it stays operational. This is as simple as rebooting the server, should it go offline. Manual installation instructions are also provided for those that want a bit more control of the system.

The first step in the masternode setup process is to send a transaction from your Nautilus wallet (you can also use the web wallet here if needed) to your Poseidon wallet located here: This is just like sending Pirl to any other wallet, except in this case it’s your unique Poseidon wallet. What this does is it proves to Poseidon that you control your Nautilus wallet.

Now that we have the hardest part out of the way, let’s move on Nautilus and adding the Pirl Masternode contract.


Select the newly address Masternode contract and you will see available functions for it as a dropdown menu on the right side under the Write to Contract heading. Under available functions select Node Registration and select the wallet containing your 20,000 Pirl. Underneath that, fill in 20,000 Pirl to send

Once you hit execute, fill in your UTC file password and make sure you’re providing at least 121,000 gas for the transaction.

This is a good time to get some coffee or tea and let everything sync. 3–5 minutes should do the trick.

There are 2 ways to run your masternode. You can either use the automated installer provided by Poseidon or manually download the Pirl software and export your masternode and dashboard hashes. If you use the first method, you will not have to update the Pirl masternode software manually. All will be taken care of by Poseidon when updates are released. This is my recommended method.

Before proceeding with either method, make sure you can SSH into your VPS using the root credentials provided by the VPS company. This will make sure One Click can connect and setup your masternode. If unable to connect to your VPS, contact their support or hop on over to the Pirl Discord for assistance.

Source: Crypto New Media


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