Cryptocurrency can now be easy in your daily transactions.

Cryptocurrency can now be easy in your daily transactions.

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency which uses blockchain technology to carry out transactions.The benefits of cryptocurrency includes recognization at an international level ( you can easily transfer money from one country to another without been bound to exchange rates,interest rate and transaction rates of any country) which will save you both money and time,the transactions carried out using cryptocurrency is on push basis so you can choose which amount of your personal data you want to share thereby you to retain your privacy,cryptocurrencies can’t be counterfeited.The challenges encountered by cryptocurrency includes it has not been widely accepted by the general public a study conducted estimated about 2.9 to 5.8 million active users of cryptocurrency,nature of cryptocurrency is complex so a vast majority of average users can’t fully comprehend it, applications of cryptocurrency is limited presently as you can only use it to buy other crytocurrencies.when cryptocurrency can be used in our day to day activities like buying a bag of beans,clothes,jeweleries,household cleaning solutions It’s relevance to the society will increase.
Sidera network provides an avenue in which cryptocurrency can be used in our daily transactions by wearing a smart watch (SmartBit) which is connected to a companion app in a personal computer or a smart phone via Bluetooth technology.The companion app contains features like contacts,address,Blockchain integration and much more.

SmartBit allows individuals to receive bitcoins or other tokens by simply pressing a button to generate new address.To send cryptocurrencies the users can save the public address of their contacat and select it whenever they decide to send the funds also notifications sent to the smart watch which contains crypto-address are usually detected the user can decide to send funds to the new address.The amount of the cryptocurrency is decided by the user by inserting the amount on the smart watch screen. To confirm transactions a secured pin is needed.Another important feature of the smartBit device is that those devices in close proximity can easily transfer and receive funds in a completely decentralized way even without the need of the companion app in the PC/Smart phone.SmartBit provides you with the highest security as the the user will the only the only person with the private key which is needed to carry out transactions. For more information to participate in this amazing project. Here are important links:

Source: Crypto New Media


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