The application that every one need – raga muda – Medium

What Is Datum?


Datum, found online at, is a blockchain-based marketplace and data management system that aims to turn data into a secure, tradeable commodity.

As the Datum website explains, “data is the new oil”. Datum has created an exchange for that commodity powered by Ethereum, BigchainDB, and IPFS.


Data is the most powerful asset of the digital age. When you make an online purchase, visit a web page, click an ad, or share something via email — it’s all data. But where does it go once you’ve produced it? Do you retain control of it? No!

Because we live so much of our lives online, we produce a mind-blowing amount of data each day. Unfortunately, the lion’s share of this data — this virtual version of you — isn’t owned by you. That presents a large problem that lots of consumers aren’t even aware of.


If you’re like most people, you go through your day leaving a trail of data behind you. You send a text, read an email, click a link, buy those items in your shopping cart and go about your business.

Each time you take action like this, though, you’re leaving behind “data breadcrumbs” that large corporations and malicious individuals can use to target you, exploit your preferences and follow you through the digital atmosphere.

Unfortunately, they don’t care whether you’re interested in these interactions. Datum works by providing a decentralized and distributed high performance NOSQL database based on a blockchain ledger.


The technology will allow anyone to backup structured data (say, social network data or data collected from wearable devices) in a secure, private, and anonymous way.

Then, Datum provides a marketplace where users can share or sell data on their own terms.

Datum’s token sales are taking place throughout August, with the ICO scheduled for September/October. The company aims to change the way we manage and control our data.

The Datum ecosystem revolves around DAT tokens. data owners pay small amounts of tokens to store their data. Storage miners earn DAT tokens to store and transmit data. And buyers can purchase DAT tokens to buy user data.

It puts users back in control of their data, letting users choose which data they wish to share, and with which parties.

Users can profit off selling their wearable fitness tracker data, for example, while preventing companies from viewing their social media information on Facebook.

Datum has the potential to change the way we manage personal data.

Datum will have a mobile app that promises to be simple to use. All data in the app will be encrypted before it’s sent to the network. Data is cleaned from personally-identifying information and patterns. And app users enjoy fast backups and data retrievals through locally close storage nodes.

As an example of how the app works, Datum shows an image of the front page of the app, featuring icons for Facebook, Twitter, Healthkit, and Nest Thermostat. You can view your “earnings” from sharing data through each platform. You can also enable or disable data sharing with a simple toggle.

Datum is one of a kind application, join now for the most lucrative application the world.

Please click the link below for more information:






Username bountyox: raga

“This article was created in exchange for a potential token reward through Bounty0x”

Source: Crypto New Media


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