Will cryptocurrencies stop the next financial crisis?

A normal economical cycle is between 6 to 9 years. The last financial crisis happen’t in September 2008, ten years ago. Since, the four most powerful central banks have pumped more than 10 billions worth of USD into the global economy. The quantitative easing haven’t produced much beneficial effect on the Economy. Worth, the debt of major economies is growing exponentially. The risk of having a monetary crisis on major FIAT currencies is now inevitable.

They have been a strong debate around the Bitcoin and that ultimately the numeric currency will become our savior. The main objective pursued by Satoshi Nakamoto, the BTC founder, was to counter the number of tokens in circulation emitted by a centralized institution. The argument being the digital currency is limited in number in comparison with FIAT currencies, that can be printed infinitely. Nevertheless, Bitcoin is often criticized for not having any intrinsic value. Some will argue differently, but no one can deny the token is not backed by tangible assets, like the FIAT used to be, long time ago, during the Gold Exchange Standard period.


Talking about gold… Many think the precious metal will become again the standard for exchange. This has to be excluded. Nowadays, the most valued attributes of a currency is the speed and efficiency of transaction. The size and weight makes it very difficult to fulfill those criteria and doesn’t fit the new economy. So what do we have left? We might say nothing then.

Obviously, no. We have a choice.


The last burst of cryptocurrency utility tokens during 2018 bear market has made us all realized how important it is to back a cryptocurrency by tangible assets and strong incentives for token holders in order to protect the value of the Token. Currently, investors are focusing on NFT (non-fungible tokens) project as they have understood that they represent the future.

In fact, combining the attributes of cryptocurrency with a tangible value, makes it a perfect instrument of transaction ever made. In practice, there will be a transition period where people will sell their FIAT currencies against Tangible Asset Token. Slowly loosing value, FIAT will not “flash crash” and after the FIATs loosing most of their value, we will be left with currencies that are easy to use rather than nothing or just physical gold.


And what better asset class than land to back a token with? The most stable in price over the last 40 years. Fieldcoin is focusing on this next revolution of the Blockchain building a protocol where NFT tokens will play a major role for the future of money.

Source: Crypto New Media


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